Invest in yourself to optimize your chances of influencing change
through board service or moving on to a more fulfilling career.
You’re ready to join a network of industry influencers through a nonprofit or corporate board leadership role.
Package includes:
- One-on-one Zoom interview, editing, and final review sessions
- Two-page CV
- One-page Board Bio
- LinkedIn Profile alignment focused on Board Service
- LinkedIn Profile upload instructions and tips, demystifying limits, categories, and formatting
Board Package
You’re a Company President, Director, or C-suite Executive and want to reach higher.
Package includes:
- One-on-one Zoom interview, editing, and final review sessions
- Two-page Executive Resume
- LinkedIn Profile alignment
- Cover Letter or ½ page Executive Bio (suitable for company site)
- LinkedIn Profile upload instructions and tips, demystifying limits, categories, and formatting
C-suite Executive Package
You’re equipped to advance to the C-suite, or you’ve peaked at your current company and it’s time to move on.
Package includes:
- One-on-one Zoom interview session
- Two-page Resume
- Instructions for tweaking your resume toward various job postings
- Cover Letter Template with tweaking instructions
- LinkedIn Makeover
- LinkedIn Profile upload instructions and tips, demystifying limits, categories, and formatting
Rising Executive Package
$1,250 – $1500
Ready yourself for any opportunity with a complete document branding makeover.
- One-on-one Zoom interview, editing, and final review sessions
- Two-page Executive Resume
- ½ page Executive Bio
- Two-page CV
- One-page Board Bio
- Hybrid LinkedIn profile
Full Board + Executive Package
- Resume Review with Suggested Edits: $250
- International CV: Add $150 to Package
- One page Bio Only: $1,000
- Board CV Only: $1,500
- Half Page Executive Bio: $750
- Cover Letter Template: $250
- Website language and branding review: $250/hr
- Career Inventory $250/hr.
- Essay assistance: Contact for quote
Returning-client updates or project add-ons are always discounted
as a thank you.
Client Diane Y. Petersen, M.D.
Retired Surgeon | Life Sciences Advocate | Board Director
Committed to transforming national healthcare delivery to ensure quality, accessible, affordable access to all.